Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Engineering an Empire: The Persians

This film followed the rise and fall of the Persian Empire from 580 BCE to 320 BCE. I did not like how there wasn't much about the glory that was Persian. I feel like contemporary politics has bled into our understanding of history. But there was a time about 2500 years ago when Persia was IT in the Middle East. The episode deals mainly with Cyrus and Darius, but doesn't focus on the scientific discoveries that came out of the time period.

The episode instead dwells on technologically feats (like bringing water form the mountain to the city using underground tunnels. This provided both a constant water supply for the large city and splendid gardens. The gardens provided the template for modern parks.

The Perisan Empire was an impressive empire. I wish I could have lived there. As a wealthy aristocrat, of course, not as a common laborer. And probably not as a women either. So, I think I changed my mind.

I'm quite content here: in modern times.

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