Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christianity: the first two thousand years

I have to be honest. We did not finish the second disc because the DVD was only on a three hour reserve. The first disc tells the story of Christianity form the death of Jesus to the standoff between Pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV who had authority to appoint bishops. My favorite section of this was was the portion on the Byzantine Empire, because I'm going to CONSTANTINOPLE. I'm so excited!

The second DVD begins where the last one ended, with a 20 minute review of what was on the first disc. I liked the part about the reformation because it helped me clear lots of facts up in my head. The last time I learned about the reformation was in AP world history in 10th grade, so it's been a while.

I really enjoyed the diversity of the people that were interviewed during the film. They had scholars that spanned from Stuart of Gordon Conwell and Justo Gonzales to the head of the Jesus Seminar. There were both male and female scholars, popular writers and religious professions in every imaginable coustine.

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