Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The First Olympics

The First Olympics visits the ruins of ancient Olympia. Both the Bacchanalian excess and raw competition were shown here. While the gods looked down, brutal contests of boxing, wrestling, chariot racing and an early form of no-holds-barred fighting raged within the bloodied arena.

The First Olympics were a series of athletic competition held for various city-states in honor of Zues. Records show them beginning in 776 BCE in Olympia in Greece. Theodosius I suppressed the Olympics in 393 CE as part of a campaign to impose Christianity as a state religion. The games were held every four years. During the games, an Olympic truce was enacted so that athletes could travel from their countries to the Games in safety. The prizes were olive wreaths or crowns.

I think it is neat that this film was produced in honor of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. It is surprising how similar the ancient olympic games were to the modern olympics. We gather together to honor world unity, just like they gathered together to honor unity behind Zues. I am, however, glad that we wear clothes now.

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