Sunday, December 5, 2010

Maya Ying Lin Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is one of my favorite places in DC. It ranks just behind Java Green, an AMAZING vegan lunch spot, and laying under the oak trees on the lawn watching the city squirrels do their city squirrel thing. There are always people there that are there for good reason. They're finding people they know, remembering things or pretending to remember things. The Vietnam Memorial does far more than many other war memorials do. It actually speaks for the people that are no longer with us. Its sharp lines show both grace and almost anger; the beauty of death.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favourite memorials. It doesn't glorify war, it's not heroic, but it speaks of the loss and the people. It has a magic.

    And that's one of my favourite photographs. I caught the gesture by accident one cold January evening, and it tells a story, but not the true story of the moment, which can only be hinted at by finding which name he is touching, a very difficult task indeed.
