Monday, December 6, 2010

Chagall I and the Village

I like nice looking things and I like well written things. So I decided to combine the two here. Chagall painting I and the Village is very abstract. It shows a quaint French village and a person looking on. I don't exactly know what the other thing is (a sheep perhaps), but I love the scene. This is what someone said about Chagall experience in Paris:

Chagall was exhilarated, intoxicated, as he strolled through the streets and along the banks of the Seine. Everything about the French capital excited him: the shops, the smell of fresh bread in the morning, the markets with their fresh fruit and vegetables, the wide boulevards, the cafe′s and restaurants, and above all the Eiffel Tower.

I think the painting and that paragraph go very well together. A nice pair.

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