Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Picasso Les Demonseilles d’Avignon

I have to remark on one thing before I write my four to five sentences on this painting. Almost all of the works that we have looked into have English titles and not-English creators. Picasso is Spanish. The painting is from Spain. Why has this painting kept its original title and most of the others have not?

Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, of the Young Ladies of Avignon, is a large painting from 1907 by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The work depicts five nude female prostitutes from a brothel in Barcelona. Each figure is in a controtatioal manner and none of them are exceptionally feminine. Two have African mask faces, giving them a savage feel. This is a good example of Picasso's radical departure from traditional European paiting.

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